Endorsements from Rabbanim
Watch the videos and read the hamlatzos (below) as Rabbanim call out for support of Lahav’s holy work. We must take advantage of this unique opportunity, as each year tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters who come from a limited Jewish background, must by law, meet with religious people and learn about Torah and Mitzvos.
We can’t afford to miss this chance to change Klal Yisrael on a national scale!
For these couples sake and for ours! We need every Jew!
Please hoover your mouse over any of the Gedolim below to see excerpts of their hamlatzos.
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If you would like to see any of the letters in full and in their original form, please email info@projectlahav.com and we will email them to you.

It is a great Mitzva for every person to join in and help…
HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv ZT"l

I hereby recommend this important organization “Lahav” which is spreading Tahara among “Acheinu Bais Yisrael”….and through this is bringing them closer to “Avinu S’Bashamayim”…I call on all of our generous nation to help them generously…and those that help them will receive blessings from Hashem, merit long life, with wealth, happiness and honor…and all good.
HaRishon L'Tzion HaRav Ovadia Yossef ZT"L

It is a great merit to take upon oneself the cost of teaching (at least) one couple and certainly this will shower blessing and success in the marriages of the sponsors, to establish houses of love, kinship, peace and friendship in which the children will walk in the ways of their forefathers before them to the credit of their families.
HaRav Moshe Halberstam ZT"L

I hereby join in this call that it is fitting to strengthen them so they may continue their work…
HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg ZT"L

I also join in calling out, that it should be publicized that it is a great merit to take part and join in this campaign….
HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman ZT"L

I also join in this call to expedite this work to save many from sin….
HaRav Nissim Karelitz ZT"L

I also join in the words above, it is fitting to help and support the work of Lahav for they are working in the great mitzvah of Taharas Bnos Yisrael and all that help them will enjoy the Bracha.lso join in this call to expedite this work to save many from sin….
HaRav Yaakov Perlow Novominsker Rebbi ZT'L

I personally know our friend Rav Akiva Houghtling…who is doing much to promote Taharas Mishpacha in Klal Yisrael and establish homes according to Torah…everything in the organization is done “Lshaim Shamayim”…
HaRav Baruch Shmuel Deutsch Shlit’a

I also join (in this call to help strengthen and support Lahav)
HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein Shlit"a
Rav Ramat Elchanan Bnai Brak

…the Israeli organization Lahav which performs a unique contribution to the spread of Torah in Israel. Many continue to keep the laws after their marriage but all change their perspective on what Torah life has to offer them. I urge the public to support Lahav and contribute to this true Kiddush Hashem.
HaRav Aharon Feldman Shlit’a
Rosh HaYeshiva Ner Yisrael

…My wish is that through this flame (Lahav) there should spread a fire of holiness and an increase of Kedusha and Tahara in Klal Yisrael…
HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlit’a
Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia

It is a great mitzvah for each one to help and take part, as the establishment and continuation of Tahara in Yisrael is dependent on it…
HaRav Moshe Shternbuch Shlit’a

- I call out to my brothers to help Lahav…that works with great sensitivity with chatanim and kallot who are far from the path of religion and teaches them the ways of Tahara….whoever helps them will merit manifold returns of blessings from Hashem, will merit long life in peace…wealth, happiness, and success…
HaRav Dovid Yossef Shlit’a
– I have merited to stand by them, to give classes (training their teachers), and answer their halachic questions. I can testify from close proximity on the greatness of their activities which without a doubt is an investment that we will see its “impact” in the future coming generations.
HaRav Yisrael Gans Shlit’a

I hereby give faithful testimony for this great and lofty organization…that increases Tahara and Kiddusha in Am Yisrael…we are speaking about (teaching those) Chasanim and Kallot who do not know their right from their left and would build their houses without even minimal knowledge of the laws of Tahara….all who help them will be blessed with success and Siyata D’Shmaya….
HaRav Simcha Ben Zion Rabinovitz Shlit’a
Mechabar Seforim Piskei Teshuvos

…all who merit to join in this great cause of increasing Tahara in Klal Yisrael is bringing the Geula closer, may it come quickly in our days in the merit of wonderful Mitzvos like this.
Tolna Rebbi Shlit’a

I therefore call out to all our brothers Acheinu Bnai Yisrael to help them with a generous heart to strengthen and support this holy organization. HaRav Yisrael Amar Shlit"a
Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim
Former Chief Rabbi of Israel

It is known to us from close the important work of this valuable organization Lahav…Baruch Hashem, we have seen great results and it is known to us many families that have “strengthened” greatly as a result of their activities…we bless them on their initiative and turn to our brothers to help them continue and expand their work…
.HaRav Simcha HaCohen Kook Shlit’a
Chief Rabbi of Rechovot
I personally have seen the tremendous impact of the Lahav teachers in revealing the beauty of our heritage to couples all across the spectrum of observance. I invite you to join them so together we can build the future of Klal Yisrael.
Rabbi Kalman Meir Ber
Chief Rabbi of Netanya